@curaga: absolutely not OT- appreciated, it can be pretty hard to find RAM stats aside from testing. I am using socket.io, that is why node.js, for event-based push-to-clients websocket stuff, not just vanilla web serving (thats what nginx is for). I understand the latest nginx supports websockets.. so that might be somewhat possible to use.. but socket.io has heartbeats and comprehensive fallbacks. Tornado/Twisted could be used.. but being python i was assuming it would be using even more memory?? NB that typical use will be low single-digit users- so whilst latency and initial ram use is important, supporting 20K concurrent connections- and how memory use scales with users- is not so much.
Yes, i know python isn't so light.. i'm not aware of any easy way of making it lighter (eg pypy uses way more memory) without rewriting in C(/++) or something, which is very much a last resort. (not really knowing C).
@bmarkus: have you found a point at which the sqlite database becomes so big as to be a problem performance wise? How many rows makes up your 4MB?
I would be using either OS (router eg openwrt, or MC) as a 'starting point' and hacking stuff out, etc.
As for the board, it is for development.. ARM9 are cheaper to produce (for a non-megacorp) than anything else that could do the job AFAICT, so if you know of a cheaper arm9 system (4-500mhz) with similar 'support' then i'm all ears. I'm not aware of any routers with these specs (+usb, 64MB ram) for less, either. The nokia N770 comes close, but its only a 200mhz arm9.
E: qemu is a possibility (which may be able to rule in/out arm9 as a viable platform).. although i've struggled to get to grips with it so far, being unfamiliar with both it, and cross compiling. Perhaps if i can find an arm9 image from which to start from??