Raspberry Pi port, piCore-15.0 is available!
$ touch mymarker[do whatever causes the settings to be stored]$ sudo find / -not -type 'd' -cnewer mymarker | grep -v "\/proc\/" | grep -v "^\/sys\/" | tee files$ vi files
You can do something like this: Code: [Select]$ touch mymarker[do whatever causes the settings to be stored]$ sudo find / -not -type 'd' -cnewer mymarker | grep -v "\/proc\/" | grep -v "^\/sys\/" | tee files$ vi filesThis probably requires the findutils extension
This will make a list of all files created after the "touch mymarker" command and thus will tell you where the iptables rules are stored.
If you manually type them, they are not stored anywhere. Merely made active in the kernel.
Those commands work on stdout and stdin, so where the results are stored is up to you