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Author Topic: Keyboard layout switching  (Read 28023 times)

Online Rich

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Re: Keyboard layout switching
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2012, 10:04:10 AM »
Hi sklimkin
I was under the impression that a  cde  directory is menat to be used only on  Read Only devices, and that
for a HDD you should use a  tce  directory. Also, I don't think  cde44  is a valid boot code.

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Re: Keyboard layout switching
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2012, 11:46:35 AM »
Hi Rich.
It is loaded and works, there are no problems.
On this partition of a hard disk are placed some small OS - for experiments.
cde44 Is one of directories TCL.
It allows to load different versions and different configurations TCL.
Besides, the given structure of directories repeats on USB-flash card.
The loading example is taken from menu.lst USB-flash card (grub-legacy loader).
Lines of loading for HDD look a little differently - there the loader grub2.
And lines of its loading are a little less convenient (are clear) for reading.

I repeat: loading and work of OS doesn't cause any problems.
My question: whether probably into OS TCL version> 2 to enter from the keyboard symbols not latin - but cyrillic for me, hieroglyphs for Chineses and so on.
If it is possible, that for this purpose it is necessary to make.
Even more in detail:
1. I enter from the keyboard the text in English, or German language,
2. I press key RIGHT-SHIFT (or LEFT CTRL+SHIFT for example),
3. And now I enter from the keyboard the text in Russian (Bulgarian, Slovene) language - cyrillic symbols.
4. I once again press key RIGHT-SHIFT (or LEFT CTRL+SHIFT for example),
5. I again enter from the keyboard the text in English, or German language,
So it is clear? Not to withdraw a theme in absolutely other questions.

Translated from Russian into English by PROMT™

Offline vinnie

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Re: Keyboard layout switching
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2012, 05:28:01 PM »
To vinnie:
The command <setxkbmap ru> entered in the terminal, has changed nothing.
Please tell more in detail if you have time.
My config-setup of TCL
Yep, you use xvesa, this command is only for Xorg (and work only for software run in xorg, not in prompt, if you switch to xorg is easy to set shortcut link with setxkbmap command).
For prompt I use kmap=qwerty/it (i am italian) and kmaps.tcz
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 05:41:31 PM by vinnie »

Offline AbNoRMiS

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Re: Keyboard layout switching
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2012, 09:20:18 PM »
dear klimkin

first and most important
before ask your questions at this forum convincingly advise to explore faq (especially lang bootcode requirements)
and also wiki (particularly chapter Persistence for Dummies where is explained popularly about what Rich said)
in your case should be ask questions in International Talk chapter
(politely and tactfully and then attentively listening for advices)
all of the above is an essential part of forum rules

after that as will be solved the cde directory problem about which Rich said
(eg rename cde to tce) you can execute the command
Code: [Select]
tce-load -wi Xorg-7.6.tcz && echo "setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru' -variant ',winkeys' -option 'grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll'" > ~/.X.d/setxkbmap && filetool.sh -b && sudo rebootafter that you get the desired keyboard switching

otherwise if you can't hear experienced users such as Rich
who had cut one's teeth on this (=съели собаку на этом)
you'll not be able to move forward in your learning
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 11:59:25 PM by AbNoRMiS »
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please forgive my terrible english :)

Offline sklimkin

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Re: Keyboard layout switching
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2012, 01:16:02 PM »
dear klimkin
... ... ...
after that as will be solved the cde directory problem about which Rich said
(eg rename cde to tce) you can execute the command
Code: [Select]
tce-load -wi Xorg-7.6.tcz && echo "setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru' -variant ',winkeys' -option 'grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll'" > ~/.X.d/setxkbmap && filetool.sh -b && sudo rebootafter that you get the desired keyboard switching
Dear AbNoRMiS
Thanks for the help.
I was occupied with other things therefore use your help could just now.
Everything well works.
tce-load -wi Xorg-7.6.tcz && echo "setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru' -variant ',winkeys' -option 'grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll'" > ~/.X.d/setxkbmap && filetool.sh -b && sudo reboot
I think that write such line-command few ordinary users can.
This page will get lost at a forum soon, and similar questions will arise.

If it not so complicates you, please place the message with this (or similar) line somewhere in a visible place for those who talks/writes not in English.
I think these people to you will be grateful.

Once again thanks.

Offline AbNoRMiS

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Re: Keyboard layout switching
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2012, 03:28:18 PM »
hi klimkin
i'm very glad that our joint assistance was useful :)
international talk section has topic in which is discussing tinycore russification
i look that there is really was not such keyboard switching method without using xorg.conf
and i'll add this command there for that it is not lost among other threads
Basic Design Concept © @ß№®M!$
please forgive my terrible english :)