The perl_xml extension has been updated with a symlink /usr/local/bin/perl -> /usr/bin/perl
..note however that if you are only using this extension for the purpose for which it was intended - i.e. compiling stuff that requires the perl::xml parser - this symlink should not be necessary: Title: perl_xml.tce
Description: perl and xml_parser
Version: 5.8.8
Author: see list of sites below
Original-site: see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 7.9MB
Extension_by: juanito
Comments: perl and xml parser required to compile some packages
use the perl5 extension for other purposes
This extension contains:
expat-2.0.1 - Free -
perl-5.8.8 - GPLv1 -
XML-Parser-2.34 - GPLv1 -
Change-log: 2008/07/05
Added symlink /usr/local/bin/perl -> /usr/bin/perl
Current: 2009/04/29