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Author Topic: Traditional Chinese input methods.  (Read 2038 times)

Offline solorin

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Traditional Chinese input methods.
« on: April 01, 2012, 04:38:28 PM »
I'll be working through all these extension requests as I have free time for
Core, which will be in short supply for me in the very near future.

I'm just putting these here in case other people are also inspired by these apps enough to make extensions out of them. I feel they embody some of Core's principles.

I probably won't have time to maintain packages either, so anybody's welcome to update packages in the repository that I've submitted.

All right this ones not that light, but I do need some Traditional Chinese input support. It might be made lighter by only configuring it for console or X.

This might be a viable alternative too. Tho fbterm was kind of borked for me when I tried to run it.

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        ----- R.I.P. Biggie Smalls -----