Yes, I believe I did that part right. I am currently building a "clean" version where I made no changes to the config at all. That way I can isolate as to whether this is a "staging" driver issue, or I have a fundamental flaw in my building process.
Just to be clear, after I run depmod there should be a file or files name modules.* in /lib/modules/ or in /lib/modules/3.0.21-tinycore ?
I am doing development in this directory:
My BASEDIR is: /mnt/sda1/devel/extract
The new kernel name is 3.0.21-tinycore so uname -r returns the same thing.
So the directory for modules in the BASEDIR is /mnt/sda1/devel/extract/lib/modules/3.0.21-tinycore
I have been running this command to do the depmod as su in the devel directory:
depmod -a -b extract 3.0.21-tinycore
It does not have have any errors when it runs.
I just checked and I must be doing something wrong. The modules.dep files points to the wrong directories for the modules. It points to source/, kernel/, etc. So it seems it is building the modules. dep, but is doing it wrong?