Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions
Links2 scm Bugs Feedback
When used with JWM, links2 does not create an icon in the panel, as shown in the attached screenshot.
Jason W:
Since I and perhaps others making for the tcz repo were not aware of JWM's need for the same binary name as icon name, I am sure there are a lot of cases like this where JWM is not showing an icon.
I will fix the scm's as I see a few that display this behavior.
Using ScmBrowser:
* Successfully updated app
* Verified md5
* Installed app
* App fails to load
Starting in a terminal:
--- Code: ---links
/apps/links2/localbin/links-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---
Seems to be missing xz.tcz
Jason W:
Looks like a dependency crept in, I will fix it.
@jwm icon
That is a fallback path for when the app doesn't specify an icon itself. For example run the latest Opera from its tarball dir, without any opera installed - it has the correct icon, since it specifies it in the app code.
When tested like that there is no opera icon under any pixmaps dir known to jwm.
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