Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions

Links2 scm Bugs Feedback

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Following a check for pending updates:

Using ScmBrowser:
* Successfully updated app
* Verified md5
* Installed app
* App fails to load

Starting in a terminal:

--- Code: ---/apps/links2/localbin/links-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---

Jason W:
I will check into it tonight.


--- Quote from: Jason W on April 11, 2012, 12:14:48 PM ---I will check into it tonight.

--- End quote ---
Following a successful update the app now loads as expected.

Back on the track of the missing icon...
* The icon remains absent from the JWM panel
* The .desktop file executes links but points to links2.png

The three apps tested and reported with missing JWM icons (flburn, links, xmms) have a common pattern.  In each case the .desktop entry points to a script which ultimately starts the app.  The apps which correctly display the JWM icon point directly at the executable.  Perhaps this is contributing to the problem.

Jason W:
Most scm's need wrapper scripts for their binaries, and that does not affect the icon thing.

But I did rename in various ways the links2 extension and it's files, to no avail.

So some apps which don't use the standard  internal icon code can easily be adjusted to allow JWM to fall back to a /usr/local/share/pixmaps icon, and I have no issue accommodating that.  Others not so easy, or not at all.  And for those, we will just have to live with the fallback X icon.  Which I remember seeing that icon in KDE a lot in Suse a while back for many apps, and they are a polished commercial distro.

The matter is not only seen in JWM but IceWM also.

Motivated by curiosity, JWM was replaced with IceWM-Full.  The icon symptoms are the same for both of them.  Throughout the thread, it has been referred to as occuring in JWM.  For the benefit of future readers I thought it might be helpful to note that it is also seen in IceWM and possibly other untested WMs.


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