The ISOLINUX problem is consistently reproducible with each and every isolinux version since IIRC 4.0, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.05, I believe I just attempted 4.06 it's a shame but they all fail to boot on old equipment I have.. Pity really because Grub is considerably slower to boot than isolinux on PC's that it works on.
Isolinux 3.x (all versions) work great on my old notebook, yet for some reason I have trouble booting TC after version 4.1 with it. I don't think there is any reason for this, right? Am really looking for tc4.4 to run on older equipment but the isolinux issue makes this a non starter.
Thanks bernhard for that link, I spent hours looking for that thread again yesterday without any luck..

But what is a "Dual PIII" anyhow?? A dual core or a dual proc.? either of which is a newer design than the notebook I'm using