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Author Topic: Jack and non-root startup  (Read 2454 times)

Offline aplannan

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Jack and non-root startup
« on: March 10, 2012, 03:51:37 PM »

I have been setting up qtractor on tc. Qtractor starts up jack on its own on start up. So far I have been using it as user 'tc', however I get realtime scheduling errors from jack. I tried using 'sudo jackd' in the terminal and it starts up without any errors. If I start qtractor with 'sudo qtractor', i also do not get errors, but qtractor no longer seems to use my config files for qt or qtractor. Can I extend root privleges to tc with regard to jack (actually I'd love to give tc full root privledges)? Or is there any other work around?

Offline aplannan

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Re: Jack and non-root startup
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 04:23:55 PM »
I just figured this out on my own. The reason sudo qtractor was ignoring config files was that I change  XDG_CONFIG_HOME in ashrc, but sudo uses bashrc. Qtractor was creating new config files in the default location. I created a symlink between the location I normally use and the /home/tc/.config file and everything works great now as sudo.