Thanx a lot, it worked now !!!
I don't know really what I made wrong, maybe it's essential to left the boot opions clean for the first time in the installation process, before I left it blank there was always the option
desktop=flwm_topside inserted in the bootcode
(/boot/extlinux.conf), this time it wasn't and xfce started properly?!?)
later it looked like this:
LABEL core
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=/boot/core.gz quiet vga=791 noicons lang=de_DE kmap=/usr/local/share/kmap/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap waitusb=5:UUID="c376debc-49b3-4ac8-a287-b4b7fc8643af" tce=UUID="c376debc-49b3-4ac8-a287-b4b7fc8643af"
I've used the latest one v4.3.1and now I have made all these you've written,
here are my steps for the USB version:
(tomorrow I will try it on my HDD)
- I've downloaded the version 4.3.1 from the website
- burned the iso to a CD
- boot from the CD
- started TC_Install , then I've made steps 1 to 6(like in the picture below)
1. choose the path to the core,
sdb(the usb-stick) 2. format the stick with
i've heard that this is better for the numbers of read/write to the stick)
3. (and this is I think what I made wrong)now I leave this blank
(before I always filled it with vga, lang and kmap settings, but this time I've left it blank)
4. I've selected Core and X/GUI Desktop and all other extras
5. the summary...and...proceed ..
6. after this I reboot the pc
after reboot:
7. I open the
app browser and installed
xfce4.tcz for
OnBoot 8. after installation of all dependencies.... reboot again

link to the steps, bigger one -->
and after all I had this clean xfce4 desktop, wow...
(after all this I've inserted the
vga=791 kmap=etc...
lang=etc... and
noicons in the boot file)
To get rid of WBAR use 'noicons' boot code.