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Author Topic: How to start LXDE, XFCE, Enlightenment or another DE at startup?  (Read 16301 times)

Offline picrard

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Sorry, if there will be something like this in the forum, which could explain my answer in
another way.
But I have tried so much and in many different ways, how do I get the LXDE or XFCE running under Tinycore?
Where do I have to edit a file or so? I have used the AppBrowser to install it on Boot, but nothing happens with the desktop, the WBar is shown down there, only some more apps which come with LXDE or XFCE are in the Applications menu by left click.

I would be very pleases if someone could help me.

I'm very new in using Tinycore, after that I've tested many other linux ditros.

Thank you for your help.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 05:09:34 PM by picrard »

Offline bmarkus

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Re: How to start LXDE, XFCE, Enlightenment or another DE at startup?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 07:17:49 AM »
Regarding LXDE and Xfce4 if you install (install and NOT ondemand) with AppBrowser system will start DE automatically during next boot. You can also exit to prompt and restart X with 'startx' command.

To get rid of WBAR use 'noicons' boot code.

In case of multiple DE installed, use 'desktop' bootcode to select active one.

My advice at least in the beginning install only one of the DE's and reboot the system. Nothing else is needed, it will be activated automatically, no need to edit files nor add any boot code.

Ham Radio callsign: HA5DI

"Amateur Radio: The First Technology-Based Social Network."

Offline picrard

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Re: How to start LXDE, XFCE, Enlightenment or another DE at startup?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 04:07:36 AM »
Thank you for your reply,

I have installed Tinycore on my hard disk frugally and on a USB stick,
with usb-hdd, on my hard disk I have installed some apps like firefox, oss, flash,
like in the screen and xfce4, when I start it only shows my this desktop, I can't also find the boot options file on my hard disk, on my USB stick is it here /mnt/sdd1/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf,where do I find it on my frugally hard disk install I have read in other threads that you could add this:

To make sure that LXDE starts and not openbox, use 'tinycore desktop=lxde' boot option. You can add 'noicons' also to get rid of wbar which is not visible so no reason to run it.

but than you wrote in other threads that you don't need to add this, because it will be activated automatically.

when I edit this file and delete this 'desktop=flwm_topside' and add 'desktop=xfce4', than I have nothing to grab the windows, and the xfce desktop is not shown ???

I have just these options, when I change the windows with alt+tab, than it shows me the changing icons in the middle of the screen(maybe xfce is active as you said), so do I have to configure the taskbar manually, or is there a way to choose the standard configuration of xfce? Because, when I have installed lubuntu, mint, arch....it shows me after install the taskbar with the program menu ???

Or do I have to install a very clean one, only with promt???

I'm confused  :'(

here is a screenshot:
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 04:09:51 AM by picrard »

Offline bmarkus

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Re: How to start LXDE, XFCE, Enlightenment or another DE at startup?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2012, 07:05:37 AM »
- Format USB stick
- Make a new clean installation of TC 4.3.0
- Install Xfce4 or LXDE from the repo
- Reboot

Ham Radio callsign: HA5DI

"Amateur Radio: The First Technology-Based Social Network."

Offline picrard

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Re: How to start LXDE, XFCE, Enlightenment or another DE at startup?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2012, 05:09:17 PM »
Thanx a lot, it worked now  !!!

I don't know really what I made wrong, maybe it's essential to left the boot opions clean for the first time in the installation process, before I left it blank there was always the option desktop=flwm_topside inserted in the bootcode(/boot/extlinux.conf), this time it wasn't and xfce started properly?!?)
later it looked like this:

Code: [Select]
LABEL core
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=/boot/core.gz quiet vga=791 noicons lang=de_DE kmap=/usr/local/share/kmap/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap waitusb=5:UUID="c376debc-49b3-4ac8-a287-b4b7fc8643af" tce=UUID="c376debc-49b3-4ac8-a287-b4b7fc8643af"

I've used the latest one v4.3.1

and now I have made all these you've written,

here are my steps for the USB version:
(tomorrow I will try it on my HDD)

- I've downloaded the version 4.3.1 from the website
- burned the iso to a CD
- boot from the CD
- started TC_Install , then I've made steps 1 to 6(like in the picture below)
  1. choose the path to the core, USB-HDD and sdb(the usb-stick)
  2. format the stick with ext2(i've heard that this is better for the numbers of read/write to the stick)
  3. (and this is I think what I made wrong)now I leave this blank
      (before I always filled it with vga, lang and kmap settings, but this time I've left it blank)
  4. I've selected Core and X/GUI Desktop and all other extras
  5. the summary...and...proceed ..
  6. after this I reboot the pc
  after reboot:
  7. I open the app browser and installed xfce4.tcz for OnBoot
  8. after installation of all dependencies.... reboot again

link to the steps, bigger one -->   250kb.de/uLCXxt1

and after all I had this clean xfce4 desktop, wow...

 (after all this I've inserted the vga=791 kmap=etc... lang=etc... and noicons in the boot file)
To get rid of WBAR use 'noicons' boot code.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 05:18:10 PM by picrard »