Hi ankushkale1
There is a very simple way for your purpose:
1. touch /tmp/Now
2. make install
3. find /usr -newer /tmp/Now -not -type d > /tmp/newfiles.lst
4. find /home -newer /tmp/Now -not -type d >> /tmp/newfiles.lst
5. find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel -newer /tmp/Now -not -type d >> /tmp/newfiles.lst
The file /tmp/newfiles.lst will contain a list of files that were modified after executing the touch command.
If make install makes modifications in other directories, like /etc, you'll have to add find commands to track
them down, but this should catch everything in most cases. Don't try to do a find just from the root, or you'll get
lots of files that were modified by the operating system but were not modified by make install. Be selective
when using find.