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Author Topic: CorePlus 32bit/64bit Remix Recipe  (Read 7700 times)

Offline redwolf

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CorePlus 32bit/64bit Remix Recipe
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:24:04 PM »
I finally got around to testing out the ezremaster tool today, and it's really nice.  One of the first things I wanted to do was create a 32bit/64bit CorePlus ISO that would let me choose which kernel and initrd image to load at boot.

After figuring out:

1. 64bit Micro Core requires Xorg
2. CorePlus requires a few 64bit extensions that are not included in the default image (wl-modules-3.0.3-tinycore64.tcz, wireless-3.0.3-tinycore64.tcz, and ndiswrapper-modules-3.0.3-tinycore64.tcz)
3. Xorg requires a couple 32bit extensions that Xvesa does not (graphics-3.0.3-tinycore.tcz and graphics-3.0.3-tinycore.tcz)

I wanted to share the simple recipe I figured out.  I tried keeping it as simple and generic as possible and included only what was needed to boot Core Plus with core64/vmlinuz64 (or core/vmlinuz).  I've attached my ezremaster.cfg and isolinux.cfg for reference.

1. Start ezremaster with CorePlus-current.iso.
2. Add the following extensions On Boot.  I added them outside the initrd, but I suspect either way would work.

Code: [Select]
temp_dir = /tmp/ezremaster
app_outside_initrd_onboot = graphics-3.0.3-tinycore.tcz
app_outside_initrd_onboot = wl-modules-3.0.3-tinycore64.tcz
app_outside_initrd_onboot = wireless-3.0.3-tinycore64.tcz
app_outside_initrd_onboot = Xorg-7.6.tcz
app_outside_initrd_onboot = ndiswrapper-modules-3.0.3-tinycore64.tcz
app_outside_initrd_onboot = i2c-3.0.3-tinycore.tcz

3. Modify the image path at Step #2 and copy both the current vmlinuz64 and core64.gz to /tmp/ezremaster/image/boot.  You can remove the 32bit vmlinuz and core.gz if you only want to boot on 64bit systems.  This will save about 7.6MB.  You may want to double check your the file permissions on these files after you copy them.  They should be 444.

Code: [Select]
tc@box:/tmp/ezremaster/image/boot$ ll
total 15884
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 5401101 Feb 19 13:22 core.gz
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 5486668 Feb 27 16:58 core64.gz
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root     220 Feb 27 16:44 isolinux/
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 2511936 Aug 19  2011 vmlinuz
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 2800448 Feb 27 16:58 vmlinuz64

4. Optionally, modify /tmp/ezremaster/image/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg to add custom boot menu entries for the 64bit version.  Alternately, you can just edit the default entries to point to core64.gz and vmlinuz64 at boot time.

isolinux.cfg excerpt...
Code: [Select]
LABEL plus
MENU LABEL Boot Core Plus with default FLWM topside.
Boot Core plus support extensions of networking, installation and remastering.
All extensions are loaded mount mode. Boot media is not removable.
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz
append initrd=/boot/core.gz quiet cde showapps desktop=flwm_topside noautologin safebackup protect showapps cde syslog debug quiet cde

LABEL plus64
MENU LABEL Boot Core Plus x64 with default FLWM topside.
Boot Core plus support extensions of networking, installation and remastering.
All extensions are loaded mount mode. Boot media is not removable.
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz64
append initrd=/boot/core64.gz quiet cde showapps desktop=flwm_topside noautologin safebackup protect showapps cde syslog debug quiet cde

5. Create ISO....which comes out to about 90MB if you only add the packages listed above and keep both the 32bit and 64bit versions of vmlinuz and core.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 02:36:29 AM by redwolf »