hey everyone, i am new here (like y'all couldn't tell)
anyways, i am amazed that something like this Tiny Core has been around all this time and i know no one who has ever heard of it. shoot, i just heard about because i somehow found damn small linux and read what happen to that and then found the dude who started this and a link from a page he wrote led me here.
i, like many others, do not enjoy the huge operating systems on the market now days. i try to not run windows on anything at the house but being that i am about as computer illiterate as a person can be, i have a hard time using stuff that is not fairly friendly. i currently run ubuntu 10.something on my laptops and pc at the house and like it but i want something faster that doesn't have a bunch of extra junk. i only use the photo editor, the text editor, and the internet browser. that is what led me to looking for something else, and finding, accidentally, dsl. then, finding this.
onto the introduction. i live in south south texas, on the gulf of mexico. i grew up in socal and moved here as a senior in high school. my dad and my brother are computer programmers but i lived with my mom and step dad so i grew up doing blue collar jobs and never had a computer or used one regularly till joining the military in 1995. while in the military i learned how to really screw a pc up so i was moved to somewhere that didn't require computers and i got out of the military and didn't use a computer again till about 2000. i acquired an old p1 proc powered pc from a friend and learned quickly how to access the internet without having to pay for access through one of hte providers but that came to an end soon and life moved on. after some years and moves, i now have a p4 pc, a p4 laptop, and a dual core laptop. i have broken them a number of times but not having the luxury of having my bro or dad close by, i had to figure out how to fix them myself so i can physically put together a computer and i cna install an operating system. that is the extent of my computer knowledge which i believe falls into the realm of knowing enough to be dangerous but not helpful.
i used to race bmws as a hobby and now build jeeps. i have a degree in aviation technology, powerplants and a degree in aviation technology, airframes.
enough boring stuff, onto the fun.
i will ask you guys tons of horribly annoying questions and i will probably ask you to type things out line by line because i won't understand something you tell me but i can sometimes come up with some funny answers in return for your help.

i am going to try and download tc and put it on my old p4 hp laptop but i know it won't work the first three or four times so be ready!!
thanks everyone,