Hi bmarkus
The question that has not yet been answered is whether it is acceptable that the first keyword in the field be used
as a primary index. Using unixcw.tcz as an example, I have added hamradio to the audio category as well as
the video category should a SSTV application be added. While I have no objection to adding a hamradio category,
this seemed like a good way to include it, as I could not find many applications in the repository. So search would
look like this:
audio hamradio
This way the search function would only check the remaining tags if the first one is audio which would mean
faster searches. I would also like to hear roberts opinion on this.
While it is a free content line, to keep consistency and usability use tags according to guidelines and proposed tags published in WIKI.
And that is exactly the point. By starting with a suggested list of standard tags, the search returns relevant results.
Taking the previous example a little further, a ham adding an extension would still be able to add terms like
cw, ssb, morse, etc. to their tags field, since these are specialized terms that a ham would be aware of. Yet a
novice not familiar with those terms could still find out what ham related extensions are available.
I've started cleaning up my list as well as looking at the WIKI. Reading the WIKI syntax page and using the WIKI
playground I'm getting a handle on how to do this. Any suggestions and warnings on editing the WIKI would be
@vinnie: Thanks for the list.
tc@box:~$ wc -l Caseinsensitive_occurrences
3957 Caseinsensitive_occurrences
Shouldn't take to long to get through that.