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corepkg - a new core package and updates manager

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--- Quote ---quick updates are already in 4.3 by using a 96k database.
--- End quote ---

Before going ahead, I suggest you have a good look at the official apps, and see if yours offers a genuine advantage. I have not looked into this myself. If your app does not offer any genuine advantage, give up the idea.

If yours does offer a genuine advantage, can this be done using the official database. If so use it, and don't host your own.

Hi Martin C
I believe I've spotted one flaw in what you are doing.

--- Quote ---* You grabbed the TCZs, but you didn't get the MD5's. CorePkg can re-generate the md5's for you.
--- End quote ---
This defeats the purpose of the MD5 file. By downloading both the tcz and MD5 and verifying them
against each other you ensure that neither file was corrupted.


--- Quote from: Guy on February 05, 2012, 09:46:57 AM ---If yours does offer a genuine advantage, can this be done using the official database. If so use it, and don't host your own.
--- End quote ---
Robert told me via PM once that he was basing his own version of a database on everything that is included in busybox, sed and awk primarily, I believe, but I could be wrong.

My solution is more flexible and more, IMHO, and it will be up to users to tell me if I am wasting my time. The other benefit to CorePkg is the flexibility in the system; I've seen mention of people looking at wanting the possible ability to categorise extensions in the future, CorePkg offers this.

Of course, at the very start, Robert was only hinting at behind the scenes development to address the problem of slow update checks. I had no idea when 4.3 was coming along, so I had a go at it myself and produced what I believe to be a very, very fast and efficient method. It is up to the users to decide which one they prefer.

Like I said before, in some implicit ways CorePkg might be competition, but I rather see it as complementary.


--- Quote from: Rich on February 05, 2012, 10:48:54 AM ---Hi Martin C
I believe I've spotted one flaw in what you are doing.

--- Quote ---* You grabbed the TCZs, but you didn't get the MD5's. CorePkg can re-generate the md5's for you.
--- End quote ---
This defeats the purpose of the MD5 file. By downloading both the tcz and MD5 and verifying them
against each other you ensure that neither file was corrupted.

--- End quote ---
That feature was a quick hack. Under the most strict circumstances, you may be right. In other times, you may know you have a great connection and just get the file. One quick example for this: to be considerate to other network users, I got libreoffice.tcz and sun-jre.tcz in my off-peak time. Just the files. then, during the day, I got the rest using CorePkg's "offline downloader". I then used CorePkg rather than waste a network request to re-create the md5 files for later when doing an update check. I had already tried the extension for myself so I knew that it worked and I wasn't too concerned at the time of verifying it manually. It's just a matter of choice; There is more than one way to do it.

If noone ever, ever uses that feature for themselves, I wont be offended. Like I said, a quick hack. It's not even a primary feature that I cared about even if it works flawlessly. It was just another part of the CorePkg toolbox.

A follow-up:
* Can anyone tell me the right way to link to a set of easy to read instructions for CorePkg to give people an idea of how it works so that the link wont get deleted? The Rules here,7738.0.html aren't clear on it, nor why my previous links were deleted (which were not commercial in any way, and the only links IT contained were to sourceforge and
* I'm looking for 1 or 2 testers for CorePkg before submission. Let me know here or via PM if you're interested.

edit: ahh stuff it, I'll just include the text file as it is and hope people know where to look. still looking for testers.


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