General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

corepkg - a new core package and updates manager

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Instead of trying to match all current md5 files against the ones in the repository, which generates a LOT of small web server requests to the repository and can take a long time, depending on how many extensions you have, CorePkg downloads one small database quickly and then simply matches against that. Downloads are only made from the repository if there is an outdated package or you are fetching a new package database, and never at any other time. This means update checks are performed in mere seconds, rather than potentially much longer. For more details, check my profile.

Another benefit is instant keyword searches for additional extensions you are interested in, and another is built-in offline downloading for your own private network repository or to simply to transfer to your TCL machine if it has no current working internet connection. This saves having to trace dependencies of a program, and all their sub-dependencies. This saves a HUGE amount of time and effort.

Besides the install feature and dependencies check, this program wont do much else without the master package database. Think of this as something along the lines of "apt-get" for TinyCore Linux. ALL updates checking and management is done on the client side and no remote requests are done unless absolutely necessary. This means it is very fast for updates and upgrades checks to be done.

Focusing merely on the license, source that you can look at but not modify? Was this intentional?

I am awaiting a reply from administration, but if the admins here are happy to generate the master package database on the server/mirror, I will not only release corepkg as a proper extension, but will also re-release it under the GPL v2 license.

I see a few downloads, but that's it. Is there actually any interest in this as a way of speeding up package updates and management on the admin and user side?

Martin, there is interest, of course.
I was waiting for someone to start this issue.
I think that all of us (TC users) should push the admins to generate the database.
I'm sure that it will be much easier to install and update TC extensions with your package.
I don't know what your database looks like but you could consider adding category to every extension (Driver, Office, Utility, Graphics...).
That way new users would find extensions much easier.

Personally, I wouldn't even look at it based on the non-free licensing (and by non-free I'm referring to the FSF definition of free software)


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