General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
corepkg - a new core package and updates manager
See two posts above. If the program is deemed useful here, I will re-release it under GPL v2. I am setting up a project on sourceforge now for it.
The source was "open" so people would know there is nothing malicious about it, but ideologies are quite strong, so I will do what I can to ensure it doesn't become useless from code rot and disuse. After some good long bit of thinking, I believe converting it to GPL v2 probably would be for the best.
Ok done, source is available under GPL v2, both corepkg.c and coreupd8.c is now under GPL v2 instead of a simplified BSD license. Sourceforge project URL available in opening post.
A side project of corepkg, is a graphical package manager designed to handle the new features and abilities of corepkg. Think appbrowser combined with synaptic.
Here is a screenshot of it in alpha stage, but already being able to list packages in the master package database (downloaded through "corepkg fetch") and perform a keyword search. I will change it into two text boxes though, one up top with the listing, one down the bottom with extension info, and a status indicator in the middle of whether you already have the extension installed/downloaded or not.
Anyway, I named it CoreSoMe, an unimaginative combination of CorePkg SOftware ManagEr. Sounding like "awesome" was intentional, as that is what I think of the excellent TCL foundation.
edit: Playing around with image display vs attachment.
I'm curious to see how it will be in the future
Here is v0.2, showing a "Xorg" keyword search, and selecting one of the results:
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