General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

corepkg - a new core package and updates manager

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No attribution to Core or all the work of the many volunteers here. You are a real class act.


--- Quote from: roberts on February 04, 2012, 07:44:34 PM ---No attribution to Core or all the work of the many volunteers here. You are a real class act.

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huh? On the sourceforge page, I mention the TinyCore Linux project. On the project forums, I mention TinyCore Linux and provide a link to TinyCore Linux and in the startup scripts of the system, I mention TinyCore Linux. If you download it, check out tc-config in /etc/init.d/. At no point is there not a reference to TinyCore Linux.

edit: Heaven forbid you should look at the about page for my project, which has mentioned TinyCore Linux since the very, very start. Even before I changed the name and was calling it Gadget Linux* ( I mention TinyCore Linux.

* Gadget Linux because I wanted to provide a great toolbox to be used with TinyCore Linux, but since there was no administrative support for cooperating with the tools, I went it alone.

All sources have been updated. I didn't copy everything because I had only taken 3 utilites (only 2 of which are used in the system at the moment). So kernel, 3 FLTK programs and the busybox stuff. I have updated the about page with this information. The about page, the one where TinyCore Linux acknowledgment and attribution has been since the very beginning...

I will say though, I make no modifications to the GPL'ed programs at all, so why can't I just provide a link to them instead? You don't ask for the source to every extension made, you guys are happy with a link to the home page in the .info file to suffice for those wanting the sources, and those making the extensions are still distributing the software.

edit: Now that this thread is in Remasters/Remixes, I have clarified the opening post as to what CorePkg is for, what it was designed to do and the benefits it brings.

Hi Martin C
Sources for extensions are here:
If the extension was copied from TC3.x without recompiling, the source is here:
If it is unchanged since TC2.x, it is here:


--- Quote from: Rich on February 04, 2012, 09:02:25 PM ---Hi Martin C
Sources for extensions are here:
--- End quote ---
Right, must have missed that. Thank you.

I guess I was thinking back to xzgv, xbmc, xterm and xtrans in that noone asked me to provide the source to them when submitting it, and I figured the link to the home page was good enough. Wow, no wonder some program repositories can get quite large. How much space is needed for ALL programs and ALL sources?

I have a few ideas for simplifying some of the stuff in my project to accomodate the extensive source requirement. Might put them to work.


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