Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions

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Floppy, please start at post #1 and read the whole thread.

Jason W:
For now, to save download and disk space I have taken the development files out of the gtk2 and gtk3 scm's, leaving only the runtime.  The full packages with both runtime and dev stuff is available in the scm repo as gtk2-dev.tar.xz and gtk3-dev.tar.xz.  To use them, just unload the gtk2.scm, then untar the gtk2-dev.tar.xz file into /apps.  It will untar in a gtk2 directory, the same name as the .oaded scm's directory.  Then you can build against it.  Delete that directory when through compiling and reload the gtk2.scm.  It saves a bit of space this way and I think it is worth the extra steps of using the tar.xz.  Regular users won't need to be concerned with using the tar.xz.  And there are and will be only a few large tookit extensions that will need to be done this way, so these simple manual steps should not add undue complexity.

Jason W:
As mentioned in the CDE thread, I have made some progress on making a self contained and portable app out of stuff existing tcz extensions.  Audacious available as in the scm source area ,self contained, runs for me when untarred into any directory and booted with the "base norestore" option using only base Xlibs and a WM, also installing OSS.tcz, available for testing here:

This is not the original method used configuring with --prefix=/apps/audacious, but is much more portable and flexible, and allows making packages on TC to use anywhere, and to make packages elsewhere to use on TC.  Making self contained portable packages elsewhere for TC or on TC for elsewhere is not the priority, but may exist as a benefit.

I tested the package, it works but if I try to open the preferences, it crashes.
I understand but I also tried cde, I noted that captures the libraries as the program requires it.
Open preferences while running cde perhaps avoid the crash.

Jason W:
Ok, I will test it some more and see.


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