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symlinks for external storage under /home/tc?

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Hmmm. Interesting option, Rich. So I'd replace mnttool with your script on this scheme, correct? Definitely a possibility to explore--thanks for offering that.


Hi jamtat
Actually two scripts, the first one mounts, the second unmounts.

Open  .profile  and add  FILEMGR=pcmanfm  under the  Environmental variables and prompt ......
section. Restart the computer. Now when you use  mnttool  to mount a drive, your file manager
should open.

I use this for ex Windows users:
ln -s /mnt "/home/user/My Computer"

On the other hand explaining the root / folder and how everything else is a subfolder/file structure was also quite an enlightenment for them.


--- Quote from: Rich on January 25, 2012, 11:53:13 PM ---Actually two scripts, the first one mounts, the second unmounts.

Open  .profile  and add  FILEMGR=pcmanfm  under the  Environmental variables and prompt ......
section. Restart the computer. Now when you use  mnttool  to mount a drive, your file manager
should open.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for those tips, Rich. Making that modification does, of course, cause the file manager to open when a portable drive is mounted. So that's getting close to what I need. The problem, though, is that the file manager opens in the /home/tc directory, rather than in the directory where the external media has been mounted. And I'm not sure many of my users would be able to navigate to the mount point and thus find files they need on the newly-attached drive.

It's sort of curious behavior. I note that, in the case of an inserted CD, when the relevant device name is clicked in the mnttool menu, the file manager does, in fact, open in the directory where the CD is mounted. Which behavior differs from the case of portable storage which, when the relevant entry is clicked in the mnttool menu, causes the file manager to open in the user's home directory.

Is the difference in behavior due somehow to the presence or absence of the device file and mount point entry in /etc/fstab? I may end up having to implement some kind of hybrid solution using your script. Still working on a resolution.


All mountable CD/DVD and partitioned drives should appear in /etc/fstab.
Perhaps your portable drives are missing a partition table.


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