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symlinks for external storage under /home/tc?

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--- Quote from: hiro on January 26, 2012, 06:36:08 AM ---I use this for ex Windows users:
ln -s /mnt "/home/user/My Computer"
--- End quote ---
This looks like it might be a good workaround. The "My Computer" analogy will be more familiar, and the presence of a folder by that name in the home directory, via a symlink to /mnt, may just do the trick. Thanks for offering that tip, hiro.


Hi jamtat
If you open a terminal and type  pcmanfm --help  you will probably find an option to open to a
specific dir/drive. If you add the following to the mount script:

--- Code: ---pcmanfm -option ~/"$i"
--- End code ---
it should do what you are looking for. By using ~/"$i" it steers the user toward staying in the home
directory and away from /mnt and the rest of the system directories. If you add the line right above
the  done  statement in the mount script, and you plug in two drives before running the mount script, it
will open a copy of pcmanfm for each of those drives.


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