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Author Topic: Fixed: Uninstalling extensions not possible with TCEDIR in loopback file (tcvd)  (Read 2117 times)

Offline jspanier

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Still playing around with persistent /home, /opt AND the tce directory all combined in a tcvd loopback file.

I discovered that automatic deinstallation of extensions (marked for deletion via app audit, performed during shutdown) is not possible in that case. This is caused by the fact that ALL loopback filesystems get unmounted in rc.shutdown before the point where the script tries to delete extensions from the TCEDIR (/mnt/tcvd/tce in this case). But since TCEDIR was in the loopback file it is not there anymore when deleting.

I created a little patch, so that only the loopbacks are unmounted, that are associated with an extension. The regular filesystems mounted as loopback into /home, /opt and /mnt/tcvd are preserved. These filesystems are now unmounted by the "unmount all filesystems part". rc.shutdown can now find the ".tcz"s under /mnt/tcvd/tce and delete them as requested

here is the patch
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 03:51:04 AM by jspanier »

Offline roberts

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Patch accepted. Thanks.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.