Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.2rc3

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I'm using 4.2rc3 in much the same way as I used all the previous versions - on a USB stick (*) that already has grub4dos on it with the "distribution files" for both tiny core and micro core grabbed from the repo - so I haven't had occasion to try any installation method other than just updating menu.lst.  But I have been following the discussion in this thread and I find that roberts' latest post really cleared things up for me - I may have missed some bits earlier but some of that info was not obvious (or not remembered) before.

If I understand it correctly now, you -can- have a cde directory on media other than a CD but that's not really the point of it and...

You cannot have a cde directory and a tce directory on the same partition.

By the way - 42rc3 is working very well for me in day-to-day tasks.

(*) I'd have sworn that USB stick was still formatted FAT but it turns out to be ext2 - I guess it -has- been a while since I looked at it on a Windows box!


--- Quote ---Obviously unetbootin does not "know" about our distribution, i.e., not listed in the drop choices. Therefore using unetbootin simply copies the entire iso to target.
--- End quote ---
Additionally I'd like to add that unetbootin doesn't allays copy structures it's not familiar with, at least this has been our experience.  However if creating a USB thumbdrive from a windows pc the Universal Pendrivelinux will preserve all functionality when selecting the other Linux option (one of the last entries in the list of distro's).



--- Quote ---It should be obvious that one can use the TinyCore CD or the CorePlus CD READ_ONLY devices to process and access any tce directory on a writable store, i.e., works as expected.
--- End quote ---

This feature works reliably. Maybe I should not have been surprised to find extensions loaded from a hdd installed tce directory when booting from an ISO, works great and works consistently.


--- Quote ---There is one bug still, onboot.lst is not created automatically. If you create an empty onboot.lst in /tce with
--- End quote ---

Thanks for the heads up, I thought the unusual behavior was a result of something I did wrong, i've been adding missing entries manually, meaning this anomaly is not consistent however exists in my installs.


--- Quote from: newbody on December 23, 2011, 12:15:53 PM ---floppy I am not here to talk NTFS at all. I hate it too.
I am here to get TCL 4.2RC3 booting and working
on a computer that happen to have NTFS on it and
TCL 4.1 does boot from NTFS so I wanted to know
how do I get this new one to boot despite it is discouraged.

I do have a nfs-3g.tcz that allow that to happen in 4.1 and
some few versions back? 4.0 and maybe even older???

So RobertS does deprecated mean physically and software
impossible or just that you don't want to deal with it anymore.

Can I not borrow files from 4.1 to get it going on 4.2?

--- End quote ---
I don't want to deal with the installation of it anymore. XP is near end of life.
I have no desire to get Vista or Win7 or soon to be Win8. I tried my best to use grub4dos to be helpful for XP installs. But still some want nt boot loader mods and not grub4dos. That is too windows specific for me. I have not been a regular user of Windows since 2000. If anyone wants to take over the tcgrub4dos install program please feel free or the creation of an alternate install program. I have even contacted Svolli, a known master of NTFS, to see if he would want to take over the extension.  Otherwise I will be withdrawing that particular installation extension.

While I am not purposefully trying to cripple existing NTFS installations of Core. I did find an anomaly which I will correct before final release of 4.2.

Still it will mean manual setup:
1. Copying of X/GUI extensions into existing tce directory.
2. Add them to the beginning of the existing onboot.lst.
3. Copying the core.gz to replace tinycore.gz.
4. And finally adjusting the boot loader, menu.lst, if using grub4dos, to load core.gz instead of tinycore.gz.


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