I use core 4.2rc2 on a fresh partition. getflash11 does indeed install flash11, because I can use it and I see it in /tmp/tcloop/flash11. opera-next and firefox8 run OK.
my comment is about flash11.tcz : it is not generated, it is not in /tce/optional
but if I modfy the script genflash11.sh, to remove the -noappend
"sudo mksquashfs pkg/ "$DOWNLOAD_DIR"/flash"$VER".tcz -noappend > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit_red"
this new line works
sudo mksquashfs pkg/ "$DOWNLOAD_DIR"/flash"$VER".tcz || exit_red
but the resulting files are in
/optional not in /mnt/sda6/tc4/optional/
btw: /tc4/optional has read and write permisions for tc:staff and AppBrowser works ok.
the /optional/flash11.tcz is root:root for user:group, but .dep and .md5.txt are tc:staff owner.
I can manage to build myself flash11.tcz, but maybe the extension owner wish to correct the script

Anyway, thank you for the script and your effort to maintain it.