Perhaps I missed something, but I didn't know the .list file existed, I guess that's the 'Files' tab in Appbrowser (not ant my TC machine at present so can't check).
I came across a reference to firmware.tcz in a separate thread & decided to give it a try & see if it resolved my problem. So it was only by chance that I managed to get things working. If I had not chanced on this I would have been restricted to TC3 as TC4 was not an option with no wifi support.
For the purposes of finding things such as the rt2860 driver the contents of the list files really need to be searchable through something like the search function in Appbrowser so that users can find the correct extension.
I have only just begun upgrading from TC3 to TC4 on my eeepc as I noticed the RT2860 driver file was not transferred across & my initial attempt at using TC4 showed something was missing that was required by this wifi card, but there was no information I could find as to how to upgrade to TC4 when this card was present. I realise the developers don't have access to all hardware that is used, but personally I felt a bit excluded from the upgrade due to the lack or information on potential problems & possible solutions. The migration of a critical driver from a specific, readily identifiable, extension to a generic extension being a case in point.
Point one:
Perhaps I missed something, but I didn't know the .list file existed, I guess that's the 'Files' tab in Appbrowser (not ant my TC machine at present so can't check).
The files tab in appbrowser displays the contents of the extension's .list file. This is not a new feature.
Point two:
For the purposes of finding things such as the rt2860 driver the contents of the list files really need to be searchable through something like the search function in Appbrowser so that users can find the correct extension.
Changing the
Search to
Provides using the down arrow and entering
rt2860 clearly displays the firmware.tcz extension.
Again the "provides" feature of appbrowser is not a new feature.
Point three:
... I realise the developers don't have access to all hardware that is used, but personally I felt a bit excluded ...
You are correct about not having access to all hardware, but the Wiki is available for anyone in the community and I have suggested that a "knowledge base" be established for for those wifi/ethernet cards that require firmware or other special setup feature, at least for the establishment of device creation so that the minimal can be used. No need for anymore other than device creation. See:,11685.msg61965.html#msg61965I have publically advocated this and I am again asking the community to contribute to a Wifi knowledge base in the Wiki.
If such is established, I have indicated that, I will try to deploy such to improve my wifi.tcz extension.
Basic search/provides tools are already provided. Sharing and contributing knowledge is the only way to improve wireless support in Core.