I know this is not the only remastering tool available but I got to hand it to Mr Smith; this script is awesome, THANKS

All my applications, scripts and extensions work flawlessly, meanwhile I have some small undesired anomaly's Three actually..
1st item, Since remastering I've acquired an undesirable boot menu which stops progress temporarily until a selection is made or a time out is reached..
I receive the Tinycore Distribution message and "Press <Enter> to begin or F2, F3, or F4 to view boot options" message.
So, I don't think we need these boot option, which is one of many reasons we made the remaster to begin with, I need to reduce this time out period, any ideas please? Or am I forced to make a remaster of the tinycore iso to use as the base for the final remaster??
2nd item, After the remaster, the wallpaper has not been retained. the wallpaper still exists but is not select for use
(perhaps home/tc/.setbackground???) well this apears to have got the job done, but as always there is probably a better way??3rd item, and even the wbar items are back to normal after a remaster.
(perhaps make a backup of "xwbar.lst" to a settings extension??)I am thinking there must be a config file for each of these last two items which needs backing up into mydata.tgz file or a settings extension, but I'm scratching my head here looking for best solution, anyone with a more apropriate fix is appreciated.