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Author Topic: xtables-addons - why not work ?  (Read 4003 times)

Offline david.w

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xtables-addons - why not work ?
« on: November 02, 2011, 09:59:37 AM »
Hi forks,

I am trying to compile the xtables-addons package from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtables-addons/files/Xtables-addons/ .
I tried various version which should work with our current iptables, compiled both with/without libmnl, they did compile well but do not work. After some inspection, I found that it has some overlaping kernel module, ipset-*.ko for example, with the current net-filter extension in the repo. The quirky thing is that the these two modules are not compatible with each other at all. Take ipset for example, The compiled user space tool cant connect to the kernel module from netfilter extension (which does load). And the compiled kernel module failed to load with insmod or modprob (I did specify the right path of this module to load ).
Does that mean there is no way to use the extra kernel modules from xtables-addons ? for example geoip, tee ?
Some light please, thanks!
