I'm interested in how the "magic" in files is determined and at what level of the os this happens.
In particular, where is the shebang detected for an executable script?
Is this a function of the shell or of the kernel or something else?
Is it configurable via some config file or will I have to recompile something?
The problem I am trying to solve is that I have an interpreted language (mumps) that I would like to use for scripting, but it uses the semicolon and not the hash symbol as a comment marker.
So I'll need to use a shebang like
instead of
GT-M mumps is in the 1.x tce repo as gtm5.tce. ( The maintainer of that extension -really- needs to update it.

Can anyone point me to what I need to change?
(No, I haven't yet asked the GT-M devs about changing the interpreter to accommodate starting a script directly.)