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Author Topic: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto  (Read 22708 times)

Offline Rich

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2012, 01:24:56 AM »
Hi rhodius
OK, now that your network card is talking, let's try to ping the DSL modem. Try pinging
which is a fairly common IP address for that. If that succeeds, then AppBrowser should be able to
connect, if not, then Google your modems model number for its default address. It might also be
helpful if you give the model number in your next post. To the best of my knowledge (which is limited)
you should only need PPP utilities for modem cards and modems connected via RS232.

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2012, 01:54:47 AM »
Rich, I will try what you suggested. My modem is a Zoom ADSL Bridge Modem, model 5615. I've tried before to look at it's web interface using but it never works.

Thanks again for your help! I'm gonna shutdown SliTaz right now and work on connecting Tiny Core. It is interesting that I may never have needed PPPoE at all.

Offline Rich

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2012, 02:11:10 AM »
Hi rhodius
Since the default IP address for the modem is you need to change the address of your
network card.
Code: [Select]
Use DHCP=no
IP Address=
Network Mask=

Offline rhodius

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2012, 02:06:02 PM »
Hi rhodius
Since the default IP address for the modem is you need to change the address of your
network card...

Rich, I appreciate all your help, but no combination works and I've spent a crazy amount of time on this. I tried to connect from several other distros without using PPPoE, but couldn't connect. The best I could do was to get dropped real quick. It may be that my ISP won't let me on without PPPoE.

Thanks so much for your time and effort.

Offline Rich

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2012, 04:44:45 PM »
Hi rhodius
I took a look at the manual for your modem and may have found a couple of answers. In order to
access the modems setup page, your network card has to be set to an address between and For normal use, your card needs to be set between and
To access the modems setup page, enter in your browsers address bar.
The manual also states that some service providers require PPPoE software so that you can enter your
user name and password in order to connect. Do you normally have to enter a user name and
password? If so, there may be an option in one of the modems setup pages to remember them and
to maintain a constant connection to the Internet. My modem has that option buried on one of its
pages, and it is set to maintain the connection at all times.

Offline martin

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2012, 06:35:51 PM »
Could it be that the ADSL modem has been placed into bridge mode? That might be why it cannot be accessed or pinged.

A Roaring Penguin PPPoE extension is available in the repositories, you could probably give it a go and see if it is able to bring up your connection.

my two cents.

Offline rhodius

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2012, 11:08:14 PM »
Could it be that the ADSL modem has been placed into bridge mode? That might be why it cannot be accessed or pinged.

Quote from: Martin C
A Roaring Penguin PPPoE extension is available in the repositories, you could probably give it a go and see if it is able to bring up your connection.

my two cents.

Thanks, Martin, for your suggestion. I must have overlooked Roaring Penguin in the repository - that probably would have saved me hours of eyestrain and frustration. As it happens, I finally got online through pppd, and I type this now by way ofh Tiny Core 4.2.1 and elinks web browser! (FireFox was unusably hideous with whatever Xvesa configured for my monitor.) I will better describe my successful configuration after getting some things in order, but basically I installed pppd.tcz, configured /etc/ppp/options, /etc/resolv.conf, plus chat and pap secrets in etc/ppp. I also made sure that dhcp was up and selected by means of the Control Panel.

So, thanks so much, Rich and Martin, for your help and suggestions. I'm really looking forward to learning the Tiny Core way.

Offline nathan

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2012, 02:18:55 AM »
Hi, Linux newbie here so I hope you guys will understand if I ask stupid questions.

I'm also at the point where I can boot up from a USB to the Tiny Core desktop. Used core2usb to set everything up. I'm also using a DSL connection with Windows 7 to get online, but when I log into Tiny Core, I can't get connected. I tried using ifconfig and the inet addr line is missing.

I have been able to download pppd.tczl from distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/. Is this the same file as pppd.tcz that you mention you have installed? If it is, how exactly do I install this file? And how do I configure  /etc/ppp/options, /etc/resolv.conf, plus chat and pap secrets in etc/ppp? I have been able to select the DHCP option in control panel, but this disables all the other fields. Is this ok, or do I have to place values in those fields first.

Some step by step instructions could really be helpful. Thanks.

Offline solorin

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2012, 03:11:21 AM »
Code: [Select]
$tce-load -wi pppoe.tcz
. . . if you don't know, now you know. . .
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Offline tinypoodle

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2012, 04:05:10 AM »

I have been able to download pppd.tczl from distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/. Is this the same file as pppd.tcz that you mention you have installed? If it is, how exactly do I install this file? And how do I configure  /etc/ppp/options, /etc/resolv.conf, plus chat and pap secrets in etc/ppp? I have been able to select the DHCP option in control panel, but this disables all the other fields. Is this ok, or do I have to place values in those fields first.

.tczl are only compatible up to a certain version of the 2.x series; so it seems something wrong there...
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Offline Rich

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2012, 10:05:04 AM »
Hi nathan
Use the AppBrowser icon at the bottom of the screen to install applications. This will ensure that the
application comes from the correct repository and that all the dependencies are met. If you really and
truly feel you need to download something manually, the correct site for TC4 is:

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2012, 02:27:10 PM »
Similar problem:

Have 2 friends in rural America where coax coverage is sparse. One tried satellite (Hughes) - miserable - switched to Verizon and has that WiFi through her home - but can't get online with TC - am working with her to use iwconfig wlan0 ESSID "HerHotSpot" key HerWEPkey - maybe working here shortly - we shall see

Then the DSL problem - similar to this issue - gent in the middle of "Nowhere Texas" - on a phone line hit to a DSL modem - Windows 7 completely wiped out due to a virus that hit him in under 3 minutes of going online (figures) - pretty sad but hey - that's Windows - so I said "Well, can you cripple a download?" - he did - and we got a USB with syslinux booting TC - he has wbar working - but his eth0 is dead even when plugged direct into DSL modem - and he has wifi through his home - but wireless tools isn't talking to his antennas...so we figured we'd continue down the DSL direct connect path for now.

The objective: lots of folks outside of cities have either satellite or DSL - no coax - or Verizon / Metro / T-Mobile / Sprint cell phone styled internet/wifi, so the market segment for these is rather large and dire if we want to get TC into rural America.

UPDATE: My tests with eth0 today (in urban area - std Comcast cable/coax to a router to a switch/hub to the laptop) - were perfect - as in connected automatically with no scripts or a single command. Was able to kill udhcpc job and ifconfig eth0 down, then toggle it back up and restart udhcpc and it connected instantly.

Will try similar test with rural Texas tomorrow eth0 cabled directly to DSL, then try their WiFi (may have driver issues - new Acer laptop), and then the Verizon eth0 and related WiFi. Both these sites reported trouble before using the Tools/Network utility, but I didn't even have to use that today for my test - poof - working instantly/automatically. Not sure what their problem was...will find out.

As for "rural" objective, while saturation is thin, a lot of folks I've met are getting away from "at-home" cable hits and leaning towards mobile aka Verizon cell/dongle WiFi, so ensuring drivers are working may be of some importance and the WiFi drivers for some of the newer laptops don't seem to be as reliable as my older RealTek 8187 - which worked right away.

UPDATE #2: Not sure why ETH0 won't recognize at all. Tried sudo ifconfig eth0 up - nothing - no device - but Windows sees it fine

we get a DUMMY0 and LO - no eth or wlan

So before worrying about PPPOE or any other method, going to try to figure out why a brand new laptop running TC can't find its various holes

Checked bios - worthless - barely mentions hard drives - no PnP settings or ETH or SERIAL - etc. - does allow boot priorities to include USB HDD so that was a plus

Checked dmesg - a lot of squawking about 64 CACHE this and that - didn't know what to look for to verify if it sees an ETH0 port

So.....next step....try to safe mode boot his Windows (sad that TC can't do this - hate bill gates ANY-OS) and get under the massive virus-infected (pray) get to the internet (pray again) and try to download some extensions.

Also noticed that some DEPs have changed and files that work fine on my machine do not work on his. I used std wgets - he used the AppBrowser gui - and his dont work?????? Kinda funny that one.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 08:44:01 PM by grandma »
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Offline gerald_clark

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Re: DSL modem PPPOE connection Howto
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2012, 02:42:14 PM »
I doubt "getting TC into rural America" is a major goal of the project.
There is nothing special about DSL vs Cable.
Just get a $20.00 DSL/Cable router and connect via the RJ45 jack or Wifi.