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Author Topic: Getting rid of GTK Warning re recently-used.xbel  (Read 4576 times)

Offline maluvia

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Getting rid of GTK Warning re recently-used.xbel
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:51:25 PM »
I got tired of seeing the GTK WARNING about not being able to access recently-used.xbel
I came up with this approach to remove this annoyance.

I use persistent opt to have more control over my files and keep clutter in home to a minimum, and have home and root in my filetool.lst.
Note: this assumes you have home & root in your .filetool.lst
(It also assumes you don't care about seeing the recently used docs list)

Create the needed directories in home and root:
Code: (bash) [Select]
# mkdir -p /root/.local/share /home/tc/.local/shareMake sure the ownership for /home/tc/.local/share is tc/staff
Now add /home/tc/.local/share/recently-used.xbel and /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel to your /opt/.xfiletool.lst

Apps will create the recently-used.xbel and write to them during a user session, but they don't get saved.
This way you don't clutter up your root and home if you have them in your .filetool.lst
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 08:55:42 AM by Maluvia »
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