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Author Topic: Where is your Linux home?  (Read 19310 times)

Offline clivesay

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Where is your Linux home?
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:02:18 PM »
What Linux OS occupies the majority of your hard drive space?

For me it's sidux. I've been running it for a couple years now. For a full KDE distro it is very fast and sid allows me to have mostly current apps. The sidux devs do a great job of almost making sid feel stable as etch.

Sidux stopped my distro hopping.

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Offline mikshaw

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2008, 11:40:24 PM »
The largest amount of space taken up by an OS is with Debian Etch.  I haven't booted it more than a few times so far, though, because it's a pain in the groin to download packages on a winmodem dialup, particularly when I have to download them with a different OS, reboot, attempt to install, and reboot again to download dependancies for the package I just tried to install. It probably would have been much easier to simply  mail-order the complete CD set.

I use DSL about 99% of the time.

I still haven't found my ideal distro.

Offline roberts

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2008, 11:54:45 PM »
I "eat my own dog food" !

Really, I just don't have the patience to wait for KDE or Gnome.
I find most Linux distributions getting to large for my old hardware.

Or perhaps, I am just too much of a control freak! Smaller, re-factor, no smaller still!

I do have to admit, I used Finnix to bootstrap the development of Tiny Core.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline dmoerner

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2008, 12:30:45 AM »
I use Sidux with KDE on my laptop and plain Sid with GNOME and eyecandy on my desktop.

Then again, I maintain pekwm and tint2 and have ITPs against ipager and transset-df in Debian so you can tell where my real sympathies lie.

Tinycore is residing on a spare Dell test machine at the moment.

Offline softwaregurl

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2008, 01:12:23 AM »
I have to agree Etch.  A 3 gig partition filled almost instantly.  I have to manualy delete the package cache (25% of the disk usage) and when the drive filled up I had to use DSL to delete the .deb's because It refused to let me log in as root.  I've seen some critisism of the latest version of Gnome and I have to agree that It takes away a lot of my power over my computer.  I can't type the name of a hidden file or make it show me hidden files evidently.   I find myself willing to put out the effort so I control my computers instead of my computers controling me.  Thats why my car for the last 9 years is one built in the early 60's.  No computer controling it or me and it has never left me stranded. There is a place for wiindowsesk, idiot proof, Linux distros for casual users and they help further the idea of free software to the masses, but it's just not for me.  I have developed a philosophy about computers.   Computers are probably the most valuable tool that the human race has ever had.  But they are just that, a tool.  They are not the end-all be-all of our existance and should not be a requirement for the basic requirements of life as I leared them in school... food, shelter and clothing.
Old wounds that have never healed need to be re-exposed before the cure can be applied.  The cure must be available before the wound is re-exposed.

Offline Jason W

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2008, 06:37:03 AM »
TC is the only one I actually use, but I have an Etch install on one of my systems.  I like to keep another distro or two installed to test packages with. 

Offline curaga

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2008, 10:25:50 AM »
It's my own mix of LFS on most comps. DSL on the oldest laptop, and both DSL and TC on an usb stick.

I don't think of myself as a control freak, but *definitely* want total control over what happens in my computer. What takes space, what I want there, how I want it there. DSL converted me from Xfce to JWM, and I dare to say my systems outperform even Gentoo ;)

Hacking on TC is great fun. It's something I've always wanted to be doing.
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Offline Juanito

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2008, 11:52:05 PM »
old desktop -> dsl and occasionally lfs/blfs
laptop -> tc from usb stick
ps3 -> ydl, but I'm at the xorg stage of a multi-lib clfs build

If we ever want to open a new target audience for tc, cross-compiling for ps3 would be the way to go...


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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2008, 01:59:41 AM »
On my laptop, I dual-boot Arch and Windows Vista.  My desktop has Windows XP, Ubuntu (used for building Haiku for another partition on the same drive), and Fedora on different drives in a mobile rack.  My Power Mac G4 Sawtooth is running Mac OS X Tiger, but will be replacing it with Debian Lenny once Apple stops providing security updates for Tiger.

Offline florian

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2008, 03:30:28 PM »
I had a top-notch P2 from 1999 for which DSL was a perfect fit but it died recently. Now my main computer is a cheap laptop I bought in 2003. Now, I have those five distro/OS installed there.

* Windows XP
I boot that one occasionally to play two videogames I like.

* Ubuntu
Gnome and many installed applications are painfully slow! Even opening a terminal feels sluggish! And there are so many processes running which I don't know what they really do. It makes me feel stupid.
This whole dumbed-down experience is quite awful.
I'm planning to replace this entirely with U-lite ( http://u-lite.org/ formerlly know as Ubuntulite),
which adds the LXDE environment on top a basic Ubuntu CLI install.

* Damn Small Linux 4.4.x
My favorite distro so far (and my default GRUB entry).
simplicity, elegance, raw speed, power :)))
And the distro has always got better over time.

* Slitaz
This one is new for me as I installed it beginning of this week. http://www.slitaz.org/
Mini distro, runs fully in RAM, LXDE environment, elegant defaults, and impressive package mgmt system, and a lot of apps. Only had a brief look at it, but I have to say it seems nice. More exploration needed.

* Tiny Core Linux
I installed Tinycore on Tuesday. I like it a lot so far.
And hey it's the same ppl and somewhat same philosohpy than DSL, so it's easy to feel at home.

I'd like to see how much Tinycore could be completed by great tiny-weeny clever X/FLTK-only apps in order to create a really productive micro desktop. This is the direction in which I want to push! I'm fed up with bloat, GTK2 and dependency hell :))

Offline sankarv

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2008, 01:09:02 AM »
hmm.... i started off with windows 98.. then to win xp but it was too large for my 64mb ram... so back to win 98 and then first linux insight was dragon linux (from windows), then to mandriva... but again mandriva (it was called as mandrake at that time) too slow for my ram.... i also don hjav broadband at that time... so wanted tiny distro.. then came DSl into my life... from the version (0.7 or so) im using that... however..... as time passed, i bought new hardware and then hands on with fedora, ubuntu, debian, slackware, suse then all their derivatives (like vector, mepis, antix, arouns 100 i suppose) then to puppy, slitaz (as dsl was not recog my hardware properly with 2.4.x series kernel, only 2.6 series was reckon, thanks to tiny core it suits me now..), then with time..... now antix and win xp are there...... (also after i bought my new hardware i had xp  there permanetly only bacause to high end games and browsing asp pages)

however i dunno when i  will change my linux os as i do suddenly at times (over 1000 times i suppose, pity my harddisk )

got infact lot of knowledge from  those (?nonsense) work....

and now i will try with tinycore adding extensions to form a permanent harddisk version once the styable is out.. presently thanks to virtual box nicely supporting tinycore (infact its easy to use for me :) )

hope thats a long story (boring too)

Offline Onyarian

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2008, 12:43:11 PM »
On my desktop -> Suse
On my laptop -> DSL
On my new AAOne -> modificated Linpus and DSL

at work - w$ XP

Possible TC on my AAOne??? I want to try it first with an external HD instalation.

Offline ahmrahtcheer

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2008, 01:14:59 AM »
Many of the TC community who know me will state that I am a dedicated distro slut, that i can't stick with just one distro for any length of time, but the truth is that I've been using slackware for a couple of years now, and in many respects it's become my "goto" distro when i need to get something installed asap.

That said, I'm in the midst of setting up a new desktop box and am "stuck" using my ThinkPad for the time being.  The desktop will get NetBSD and Source Mage Linux, while I intend to install NetBSD and CRUX linux on the laptop.

Offline ke4nt

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2008, 03:03:41 AM »
After many years of DOS, C=64, and various flavours of windows from WIN286/386 forward, I picked up a 'six pack' of linux CDs from some software shop back in the early 90's, mostly due to the linux popularity in the ham radio world of packet radio and satellite communications. ( jnos/tnos, etc. )

Many of you here know how much I favor roberts work, and promote it heavily everywhere thruout the linux  community, whether I am at a convention, trade show, LUG, or amongst friends, linux-users or not.   Some time ago,  DSL began to expand with 'extensions', and I was hooked, and spent many a day creating new ones for d/l, with roberts guidance and counsel.  Thru that time, and from that time on, my skillset truly gained ground, and led me to re-explore a variety of distros, namely CentOS, Ubuntu, and (Sidux (thanks to clivesay)).

Linux Home??  I strongly support and encourage the use of Ubuntu for new users, and the 'server editions' really are a fine piece of work.   Many of my boxen have run versions of the server editions for many years now, trouble-free.  Of course, TC on the pendrives and older laptops, and various flavors of Windows for my audio/video/graphics work and mastering chores.  All my servers currently run Ubuntu, but EDNA + TC are calling my name for building a fast light mini-mp3server on mini-itx.

Things have come full circle.  I now make a good living using and supporting linux and linux users/admins thru various webhosts and colo/hosting companies, and I'm back once again, in good company, and digging deep into another mini-distro.  I owe it all to years of good friendship, and much luv and support thru tough times, and during the best of times.  You know who you all are.  So many, many friends and linux enthusiasts.   Who would have ever dreamed it!!   You have my warmest thanks.
Happy Holidays!
73 de ke4nt

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Offline kagashe

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Re: Where is your Linux home?
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2008, 07:54:38 AM »
Mostly Ubuntu on LXDE. Debian or Arch on LXDE, Puppy Linux frugal install.

I also test new versions of Mandriva, Fedora and SLAX.

Tinycore now-a-days to learn new things.
