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(solved) Start ISOs via Grub -> extlinux -> Grub4DOS

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I don't say if it correlated, I have yet to try

P.S. If I understand what SvOlli mean, he's right, it don't work
I was able to start iso ([remaster]) using syslinux, but it start only tinycore without the additional extensions.
It is very bad luck  :(

P.P.S. is comical to have replaced the name of a modified version of tinycore with a [remaster]  ;D


--- Quote from: beerstein on October 01, 2011, 07:03:11 AM ---hi floppy: could you please explain (in short) what memdisk is?
For what do you need that? Thank you for that

--- End quote ---
I found memdisk by googling because I understood (wrongly) this would launch an iso like a CDROM: I wanted to start an ISO directly, because by installing for example the files of the partedmagic iso (not the iso) on my CF8GB, a file partedmagicxxx.sfs was not found. So, I was hopping "booting" the iso directly would solve the issue.
I cannot say more about memdisk than reading what is written in the net.


--- Quote from: SvOlli on September 25, 2011, 06:46:02 PM ---The distro you want to start needs to be made aware to look into ISOs by itself.

--- End quote ---
Dont understand... with a boot code?


--- Quote from: floppy on October 02, 2011, 03:59:33 AM ---
--- Quote from: SvOlli on September 25, 2011, 06:46:02 PM ---The distro you want to start needs to be made aware to look into ISOs by itself.

--- End quote ---
Dont understand... with a boot code?

--- End quote ---
More like in iso=/path/to/file.iso, or tce=/path/to/file.iso, but handling this still needs to be implemented. Since you need to modify parts of the core it would be wise to discuss this with Robert first.

Im back.. ;-)....
so, how can I start my ISOs (distros slitaz etc.) from extlinux ?
The ISOs are in the directory /boot/diverse of a CF card

? Should I perhaps put the grldr file (Grub4DOS) and a menu.lst (with all ISOs listed) in this directory.

? And in my extlinux command of this CF card would be
label ISO linux menu
   menu label ISO linux menu
   linux /boot/diverse/grldr
The menu.lst structure has an example if I remember in this forum from SvOlli .. but cannot find it (I have to search).

Before I start this, can I have your professional evaluation of this Idea?

Idea summary = starting grub4dos from extlinux for booting ISOs (so far I understood, grub4dos has more functionality than extlinux and can start ISOs, simulating a CDROM)


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