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(solved) Start ISOs via Grub -> extlinux -> Grub4DOS

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The "strings grub.exe" show an embedded grub4dos configuration file as per the previous link of "Grub4dos Guide - Embedded Menu".

With a menu.lst file in sda1
find --set-root /boot/diverse/menu.lst
configfile /boot/diverse/menu.lst

it works. Thanks.

My understunding:
- the first grub (install year 2010) load some defaults and use only the (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst (not the (hd0,0)/menu.lst)
- the second started grub4dos (latest version), started via extlinux, search first the menu.lst on / then /grub then /boot/grub in the (hd0,0) (it dont forget where it is)
- "plop" cleaned anything; in this case grub4dos was searching for menu.lst on the boot place of the extlinux
- the grub4dos people should make possible grub.exe to consider parameters
     kernel /../grub.exe
     append config-file="find --set-root /boot/diverse/menu.lst; configfile /boot/diverse/menu.lst"

.. or whatever..
I can now boot ISOs, started with grub4dos (CDrom emulation), which was started via extlinux.. started before with the TCL grub (see extension).


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