Off-Topic > Off-Topic - Tiny Core Lounge
Do you want to make money creating extensions?
In future, please first ask if one of the forum members would create your extension for free (the usual way of doing things in the this forum) and failing that post in the off-topic section"
Selecting a smaller screen resolution will make everything bigger.
to change font of aterm add this string to ~/.Xdefaults
Aterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-24--*-*-c-*-iso8859-1
I don't remember what is the command to view all font avaible in your OS, i use this.
the command is xlsfonts
Can't get this to work in .Xdefaults. It works for new terminals you launch from the command line though, if you type:
aterm -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso8859-1
Have you got anything else in .Xdefaults, or any special formatting? Can you just paste an .Xdefaults that works here?
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