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Do you want to make money creating extensions?

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To me works, this is my .Xdefaults


--- Quote from: Ulysses_ on September 22, 2011, 02:50:13 AM ---Is anyone interested in creating a simple extension for a fee?  Can't do it myself so it would have to be done by someone more technical.  It would probably take you very little time.

If this is of interest, I can pay through paypal.

--- End quote ---
good idea.
Post into
Then the first doing it for xx Euros (or for free) will get the job...!
(sorry in the name of the low patience people having urgent needs with exotic crazy life improving distros..)

Except I do not speak German :) 

By the way the extension has been done, see Reply #2 above.


--- Quote from: Juanito on September 24, 2011, 12:37:25 AM ---In future, please first ask if one of the forum members would create your extension for free (the usual way of doing things in the this forum) and failing that post in the off-topic section"

--- End quote ---

Just for the record: I never had any intention to obtain any financial gains for the little script I posted as reply #2. I thought I would just ignore any related questions, but now I felt it to better to state this more explicitly.

I tend to have the habit to create a response when I find a question "interesting" enough. I likewise might put my 2 cents in when I believe to possess some prior knowledge or when a rather quick check of some detail would allow me to add something potentially useful. OTOH monetary considerations are not part of my motivation.

Hi maro
Based on both your initial reply, and your many other helpful posts, I don't think your motives
were ever in question.


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