Question: what are the differences between Firefox crashing on Tiny Core and a Firefox crashing on a Windows box?
a) Instead of crashing 5 times per hour (Tiny Core), Firefox crashes 10 times per hour (Windows), and
b) it crashes 10 times faster on TC than on Windows

c) after the crash, TC can run it again, whereas the Windows box typically needs to be rebooted completely before Firefox will restart - at least in one case/box.
I tried using a "sudo rm ~/.mozilla etc. - and just wiped out the Firefox profiles, cache etc. - and then wrote another script to reinstall just one file - prefs.js - which gives me back the FF environment I painstakingly set up - i.e. no saved passwords, cache at the right size and other settings
Also, FF and related sites list a dozen tweaks you can do to the about:config file to stop the crashes, but with mixed results based on user/reader feedback.
I didn't have the issue, nor did my Windows pals - with older FF and really suggest that since older FF could run flash - you may wish to return that to the repository. Put another way, ?why? compile and offer an "updated" ap that is "known" to be (ahem) garbage by everyone on every platform that runs it.
Sadly, Mozilla - the "Open Source" people, are encountering a lot of "see ya pal" on this one since its been doing it for some time now and the "snowball" effect is building.
Sorta makes ya want to get Seamonkey going - or some other related browser, but...the kicker...I couldn't get Minefield to play FLASH right out of the gate. Juanito had helped me get a Firefox Flash working nicely - had relied on that - and may play around with Minefield to see if I can get that to work........
Meanwhile ...... OPERA - the "Not Open Source Browser" - but many people prefer it and it does seem to run nicely, plenty fast etc. - so I am changing some scripts so a package I am developing can go grab the Opera Flash Plugin and run that.
Once I get familiar with installing that file so Opera-11 can play flash, then I may revisit the Firefox issue from a different angle: many of the people who encounter Firefox crashes suggest it is related to FLASH/ADOBE - not Firefox.
That may be true - and using the Flash10.tcz and Flash10ff.tcz files may not be required, if I can get the plug in download I acquired tonight - from Adobe - with instructions courtesy of Opera - to work.
If so, I will post results/methods here and then test the plug in with Firefox and if that works, and stops the crashing then we kill two (or 3) birds with one stone: i.e. forget flash10.tcz and flash10ff.tcz - and just include the plug-in with the browser packages.
I believe it would go into the plugin folder that has the README message...
where lxbrowser = opera-11
and I am using this to load it up before firing off Opera
(am testing now)
where $rmf/plugins is a folder I keep gizmos like this
if [ -f $tfile ]; then
cd /tmp/tcloop/${lxbrowser}/usr/local/lib/${lxbrowser}/plugins
sudo cp $tfile .
sudo tar xvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
sudo rm /tmp/tcloop/${lxbrowser}/usr/local/lib/${lxbrowser}/plugins/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
Ok ok - so my sh file is sorta clumsy...any advice is - as always - greatly appreciated.
Can't create, copy, delete - name it - can't do it - READ ONLY FILE SYSTEM
So.... can't get that flash plug-in file to go there...
a) I know there is probably a trick to that, or
b) Is there "some other" place anyone knows that I can copy/extract the tgz to?
Thank you.