Thank u everyone for helping before !

via :,8861.0.htmlI have succeed to install microcore into my 32MB memory PC ,and also boot the Xvesa,but I meet another problem like I had met 3 years ago,
via : course,that is my laptop,and 1GB memory,and then I updated to ubuntu 9.04 ,then it could run OK .

now i have updated ubuntu 11.04
Here is now image photo by my cellphone maybe blur. (see attachment )
Yes ,someone may know the reasons or meet the same problem before, u can send some information to me ,thank u!
yehongyu00@gmail.comHere are a few guesses:
a)Xvesa 's problem , reason:before,I install the dsllinux ,if i choise the vesa driver ,it can be like this.
b)my pc video card problem ,or maybe the video driver is not suitable for the card ,also maybe it have more suitable card driver.
c)yes ,in dsllinux xfbdev can run well ,but i don't know what is xfbdev ,i had search some info,and also tried to boot from xfbdev in microcore,sadless,it came back to commad line screen.I need the more useful info about xfbdev,thank u!
maybe there are other problems,but i conceive that a) is more possible.And then how to sovle the problem ?
Thank u everyone!