I'm new here -- and new with Tiny Core -- please bear with me

I installed the current tc (3.8.4) onto a partition on a hard disk a few days ago.
I'm trying to get the telnet server going on the tc installation.
I have downloaded/installed inetutils-servers.tcz (which I believe contains telnetd) and openssh.tcz, as persistent. These two, as well as tcp-wrappers.tcz are by now listed in the Apps Audit applet as 'On Boot Items', which means these are made available on boot, right? (tcp-wrappers I understand is installed as a dependency of telnetd).
I created the entries
in /opt/bootlocal.sh
so that these are started up at boot time, if I understand correctly.
I created /opt/hosts.allow such that it is copied to /etc/hosts.allow on boot, within the bootsynch.sh script, per the instructions for 'passwd' on the wiki. And made the permissions available for localhost (tc) to access all services.
However, when I try to 'telnet localhost' or 'ssh localhost', I get 'connection refused'.
I installed nmap and lsof persistenly, with a view to gaining some insight about what is happening. But nmap localhost reports 'All [..] ports [..] closed', and lsof does not seem to show any LISTENing ports.
I'd love to be able to adminstrate the tc install from my main pc via telnet (the tc install is not connected to the outside world at all, so there are IIRC no security implications) ... if anybody can let me know what I've missed, or where I'm going wrong, I'd be exceedingly grateful ...