gutmensch, I'm no longer on my said network and thus have no problems whatsoever.
I'm indeed willing to stay on topic trying to make sure users can join without issues.
While I'm an active forum user who dares to complain I'm sure there are others, not so active, but legit users with difficulties of registering or logging in. They might not be able or willing to speak up.
As there seem to be several layers of walls against spammers the whole system is complex and might be prone to failure (in the sense of not letting legit users through).
We should be able to let 100% of legit users through and still block about 99% of spammers.
You seem to block 100% of spammers now, but there's at least 1% of backfire (me).
Sorry for these arbitrary figures, but this is how I feel about it
I think we should thank anna for taking her time to speak up, although I don't share her objectives. She only had to answer a simple question which is way more user friendly than the standard captchas I'm never getting used to decipher. I guess we are all old enough to overlook anna's small choleric excess (please suggest a better wording)

Would someone please share that "Einstein question" with me? I'm getting interested in what it actually was about.