Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core v4.0 Alpha 1 Testing
--- Quote from: Juanito on August 26, 2011, 10:23:16 AM ---
--- Quote from: Juanito on August 26, 2011, 09:14:02 AM ---I'll look at this as soon as I can
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cpufrequtils, cpufreqd uploaded to 4.x repo
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Thanks, it works
Fist impressions are good. It works fine till now. For testing I rebuilt few extensions. Result is OK, excepte that in all cases I get a 10-15% bigger .tcz than on 3.x Played a bit with gcc options with no result. gcc 4.6.1 expected to have better optimization but how to use?
Does optimization depends on gcc itself and how it was built too?
Juanito: I'm very much hoping that the re-compiled 'eglibc' will also address the failure of 'Xvesa' when run in a QEMU VM with either '-enable-kqemu' or '-kernel-kqemu' (as reported as (1) in reply#1 above).
I somewhat recalled that I'd seen something similar a while ago, and indeed as this pretty old thread shows the 'glibc' was the culprit then. After a quick test where I remastered TC 4.0a1 with 'glibc' 2.11.1 (from MC 3.8.3) I'm pretty sure it is again the "guilty party". So there is some hope that this regression can be overcome again with a differently built 'glibc'.
The glibc referred to in the "pretty old thread" was not built with either '-enable-kqemu' or '-kernel-kqemu'.
Let's first see if the recompiled eglibc works on i486/i586 (I have neither to test with) and qemu vm (which I don't have either).
--- Quote from: Juanito on August 27, 2011, 03:50:42 AM ---The glibc referred to in the "pretty old thread" was not built with either '-enable-kqemu' or '-kernel-kqemu'.
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I guess you misunderstood (probably as a consequence of my convoluted description): It does not matter on which system the glibc was built, but take a TC ISO image and boot it with:
qemu -m 64 -cdrom tc.iso -kernel-kqemu
If there is a "bad" glibc in the initrd: 'Xvesa' fails.
--- Quote ---Let's first see if the recompiled eglibc works on i486/i586 (I have neither to test with) and qemu vm (which I don't have either).
--- End quote ---
Don't you worry. It is always my very first test with any freshly downloaded TC version, and I'm not too shy to speak up.
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