Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core v4.0 Alpha 1 Testing

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Network Block Devices ( nbd ) were not included in kernel or modules.


--- Quote from: bmarkus on August 31, 2011, 03:13:30 AM ---When opened window positioned to the bottom it tends to fully cover WBAR so it becomes invisible, window must be moved away manually. Is it possible to bring WBAR to the front automatrically or to keep clean bottom part?

--- End quote ---

This is configurable in .xsession if your using FLWM.  Change this line:

--- Code: ---"$DESKTOP" 2>/tmp/wm_errors &

--- End code ---

To something like this:

--- Code: ---"$DESKTOP" -g 1024x720+0+0 2>/tmp/wm_errors &

--- End code ---

This will limit FLWM to only using 1024x720 (starting at 0,0) of the screen when you maximise windows or open new windows, so that you can make it so wbar is always visible. 


--- Quote from: ixbrian on September 01, 2011, 10:28:56 PM ---This will limit FLWM to only using 1024x720 (starting at 0,0) of the screen when you maximise windows or open new windows, so that you can make it so wbar is always visible.

--- End quote ---

Thanks. Why not apply it by default in the base?


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on September 01, 2011, 05:39:22 PM ---Network Block Devices ( nbd ) were not included in kernel or modules.

--- End quote ---

lib/modules/3.0.3-tinycore/kernel/drivers/block/nbd.ko.gz in base?

--- Quote from: bmarkus on September 02, 2011, 01:11:10 AM ---Thanks. Why not apply it by default in the base?

--- End quote ---

It would be a big change in existing behavior, and many like that it won't override the windows. Also, vertical space is a premium nowadays (netbooks, 16:9 screens).

Agree, we need every part of the screen. Same on my norebook too. However it makes me angry to move away windows with the notebook touchpad just because it covers WBAR (which is not my favorite BTW). Also if WBAR would be always on top I would hate it.

In other DE environment I prefer autohide panels.

So do not know what is the best solution on stock TC.


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