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Author Topic: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?  (Read 7485 times)

Offline SunBurnt

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Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« on: August 09, 2011, 07:03:46 AM »
AMD`s Brazos and Lanos cpus look to be what I`ve wanted for years.
Video, sound, USB, SATA II, and ethernet all on a chip. Just needs 1 GB ram.
If you think about it, the only I/O needed is video, USB, and ethernet.
The cpus come in 1 to 4 cores and ATI Radeon video with 80 to 400 cores!
Low clocked units use 9 watts of power, no fan! All the way up to 100 watts.

It`d be a good movie player and jukebox, and even a decent browser.
Hopefully the bd. would have a media flash chip on it to hold Linux OS.
The bd. would only have 3 major chips, cpu, ram, and flash storage.

CPU Wars: Intel vs. AMD: AMD wants Brazos desktops under $99
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 05:14:12 PM by SunBurnt »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Lanos cpu?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 03:45:58 PM »

looks interesting. I have never seen these cpu chips before.

They seem to have ONE model that is quad core in mobile laptops
and TWO models that are quad core for desktop machines.

what is a "bd" you speak of. "board design?"

are these chips and 99 dollar computers currently available?


Offline cast-fish

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Lanos cpu?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 04:37:54 PM »


those "Lynx llano" quad core chips are 77 pounds in the uk...which means
in the USA they will be about 85 dollars.

i don't know where the motherboards are.


Offline cast-fish

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Offline SunBurnt

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Lanos cpu?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 11:44:34 PM »
cast-fish; The bd. is a micro ATX, so isn`t real small, but has USB-3 and giga ether!
I don`t know what the Hudson cpu is, but it has Fusion Radion so it`s a Brazos or Ilanos.

I thought the pound was almost 2x the dollar. Only $85 you say.? Hummm......  ;D

Offline cast-fish

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Lanos cpu?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 11:57:05 PM »

Uh exchange rate is about 1.62

so 77 pounds is about 126 dollars....but we pay 20 percent Value added tax
and other stuff.

if a chip is 126 USA dollars in the UK....then it will be maybe 99 in the USA.

So ye...about 99 dollars to you.

This is a very good price for a 2.6 ghz quad core chip with great graphics and no
need for a cooler fan....the graphics are very good on these chips.

They seem like a good good buy to me. Is there even a quad core chip anywhere for 99 dollars?. Maybe just the bottom end quads by AMD and intel.

I like the motherboards for these Llano chips. The motherboards have hardly any chips on them. They are lean and clean and small. I think you could make a nice silent, small, fast desktop LLano computer for very little money.

Infact some companies already make the desktop Llano computers.

I just wish i could find a netbook that had the Llano mobile quad core chip in it. But they seem to cost about 1000 dollars. They are not at all cheap


Offline SunBurnt

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Lanos cpu?
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2011, 12:20:50 AM »
I`m guessing the Brazos / Ilanos net-notebooks cost a lot because low battery drain. They last!
Newer Atoms use close to the same power, but no ATI Radion graphics. nVidia Ion uses power.

This is exactly what nearly all of the mainstream PC users need. Most folks just don`t know it...
Not big power hunger desktop PCs and bloated WinBlows installs crumbling into dust! ( Sucks )
I ask... How many times have we reinstalled WinSucks? I cannot count the hours I have wasted.

Less chips = lower cost, greater reliability, cooler running, and longer life, easily last 10 years!

Under clocked low-power ones need no fan, so are good for movie/media players. ( My need )
The same power / graphics abilities are right for a quiet web browsing PC and even light gaming.

I have a bunch of ultra-thin profile ATX cases. Good time to start filling them... Cheers!

Offline cast-fish

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Lanos cpu?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2011, 02:55:06 AM »
i totally agree

Desktop machine par se up until now have been disasters in a box.

Huge power guzlling, fan screaming, heat generating, expensive pieces of junk.

This got really had in the last 5 years....graphics cards with near Rolls Royce fan blades
on them...all this cross fire garbage....

really,i don't think people realized just how bad they are. Dekstop computers have gone literally no-where in 12 years....almost backwards.

Netbooks, however and laptops have improved a great deal....and the pinnicle now is slate computers.

I saw the first real slate computer in 1997 which was the Apple Newton....it was 800 pounds in 1997.....about.....1400 dollars....now you get a slate about 10 thousand times more powerful and cool for 80 dollars. That is serious serious advancement in 14 years.

Desktops have got some serious catching up to do....jesus. They are not even cheap either.

Nobody needs all this waisted power. Power has been waisted in desktops since about the Pentium era...nobody needed anymore power only gamers. They have xbox and Ps3 and Wi so why use a computer some may say.

Then you got pentium 2,3,4,  and so and so on.....but a study showed that 90 percent of desktop computers were using less than 10 percent of their power for 90 percent of the time used. This has been the case for the last 10 years.

Only now have you seen true advances in Chip power up to quad and 8 and 16 core but sadly hardly any software can properly use it.

I do think this Llano is a "reasonable" buy and represents a move in the right direction. The new "Zambezi" 8 core due out on September 19 at abotu $300 is also a good load of power...... for reasonable cost.

They now need to concentrate on lower heat and power usage....and also more software that can utilise cores.

but really, dekstop advancement is real poor compared to slates because essentially nobody really needs the power....what they need is better designs and low cost which has NOT been the case with desktop computing. For years they have basically been selling you something that you don't need.

that's my opinion anyhow


Offline hiro

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2011, 09:30:20 AM »
my old celeron is fanless, too

Offline cast-fish

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2011, 07:46:00 PM »

i was thinking only chips like  Cenrtino were fanless...(in laptops)

i did not know there existed any fanless desktop cpu's to date.


Offline SunBurnt

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2011, 04:04:16 AM »
Compaq makes router sized PCs with 9 watt Atoms in them.
Expensive and pretty gutless as the Atom is a weakling.

The slower a cpu runs ( ghz ) you can turn down the voltage.
So it doesn`t get as hot and uses a smaller fan or none at all.
The specs for cpu`s say what their operating envelope is.
Low volts to high volts, and low hertz to high hertz.

Offline hiro

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2011, 06:36:17 AM »
to date? It's got only 400MHz

Offline cast-fish

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2011, 09:55:49 PM »

i am not sure what your last post means hiro

i think that now, the only reasonable fanless desktop
cpu (apu) that exists at quad core,   are these Llano chips from AMD.

(but i am not really sure if they are fanless quad core chips or not)


i imagine they DO need a fan. Only the lower end desktop models of
llano (2 core) don't need a fan. ( i recall reading that)

The only cpu i ever knew about that was fanless was the centrino.

Ofcourse, ARM chips are fanless in slates............... and also in things like that
Thin Slice desktop computer using arm cpu cores....

I have seen the odd netbook that is fanless using a RISC cpu chip and
running windows XP.  (sold on ebay)

but for desktops, i have not really seen the fanless world only with those
very tiny atom machines that are made by many brands. (but they are not quad core)


You can buy standard power supplies for desktops that are
fanless for about 100 dollars. Then you can cool any quad core chip using a special
"large heat block" that costs about 30 dollars. (or water cooled)

anyway, i look forward to quad core slates real soon  (they say) and quad core
fanless desktops.


Offline hiro

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2011, 05:03:43 AM »
My Celeron with 400MHz is a very old Desktop.
I also had a thinkpad x20 which would run fanless (fan broke so I removed it) without any issues.
For power you can use the picopsu.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: Is there a pico mother bd. with AMD`s Ilanos cpu?
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2011, 12:01:30 AM »

The picopsu is interesting.

The Picopsu are new on ebay.com at $20.

You then need an extra power brick which plugs into your wall and feeds DC power to the Picopsu.

That power brick supplies an output of 12 volts DC at 60 watts to the Picopsu.

The power bricks are $10 new on ebay.com.

I did not really know what a pico motherboard was. I guesse it's a few steps below "micro ATX" form factor.
