Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Booting tinycore.iso from an USB stick

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Hi Guy
My post was not made to take away free choice, just to allow someone who is unaware of the possible
consequences to make an informed choice. They are, as always, free to ignore my advice.

Not trying to suggest that you were.

It is good that you let them know.

Hi Guy
Fair enough. I misunderstood the message.

I use gru4dos exclusively now (due mostly because of the lack of support or bug for older systems in isolinux/syslinux v4) now that i've found how versatile grub4dos is I can't ever see going back to anything else.

I agree ext2  works best on all nand drive/sticks

Thanks SvOlli!

I've tried with ext2fs and fat32 and it works  perfectly. I like the ease of updating to the most current as the only thing that has to be done is to download TC and rename it to tinycore.iso and off you go. Thanks again for sharing this!  :)

Have fun tweaking TC to your liking,


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