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Booting tinycore.iso from an USB stick

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I've had some discussions lately on howto install Tiny Core Linux on a machine that doesn't have a CD-ROM drive. Here's a small howto on chain-booting an ISO-image.

First of all you need GRUB4DOS. Despite the name, it doesn't need DOS.

You can download it on Tiny Core using this command:

--- Code: ---tce-load -wi grub4dos
--- End code ---

When your stuck with an Linux distro or Windows, so you'll need to download the package:

On Windows you'll also need another tool to write the first stage boot loader. It's in the package grubinst-1.1-bin-w32-2008-01-01.zip, available here:

1. Format the USB stick with a partition using FAT12/16/32, NTFS or EXT2/3 (not EXT4)
You create the first stage boot loader on a Linux system running bootlace.com:

--- Code: ---./bootlace.com --time-out=0 /dev/of_usb_stick (like /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdb1)
--- End code ---

2. Copy the file "grldr" at the root of that partiton. And copy the tinycore-iso file to that same place and rename it to "tinycore.iso".

3. Create a file "menu.lst" at the same place containing this:

--- Code: ---find --set-root /tinycore.iso
map --mem /tinycore.iso (hd32)
map --hook
root (hd32)
chainloader (hd32)

--- End code ---

After these steps, booting from the USB stick should give you the familiar boot screen from Tiny Core Linux.


P.S.: Why do people still keep using syslinux/isolinux/extlinux/pxelinux? ;)

Hi SvOlli
I thought EXT3 is a journaling file system, and that it should not be used on a USB stick.

It was stating what is technically possible using the first stage loader, not what is sane to use on a USB stick. NTFS is also a journaling file system.

Hi SvOlli
Since this is being offered as a  how to  and might be used by someone who is unaware of it, I will
state it.

Do not use a journaling file system on a USB stick or any flash storage medium. It will cause it to
wear out prematurely.

It is also not ideal to use a FAT12/16/32 filesystem, as you have a greater likelihood of filesystem corruption.

It is ideal to use ext2.

It is also about free choice. For example, some people may use a journalling filesystem, Knowing that the drive may not last as long. USB drives are not that expensive to replace.


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