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Author Topic: problem using protect: strange behaviour when trying a false key for decryption  (Read 2086 times)

Offline chattrhand

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I am running a frugal installation   /sda4/tceLiesmich .

I add the boot option   protect   and enter an encryption key. At rundown TC writes a new encrypted file named mydata.tcz,bfe, while the old mydata.tcz remains untouched.

Now I can run   /sda4/tceLiesmich   either in encrypted or in unencrypted mode, depending on the use of the boot option   protect.

Now I tried what would happen when entering a false encryption key (eg. by an unauthorized user)

Instead of denying the false key or repeating its entry  Tinycore accepts it and continues starting   /sda4/tceLiesmich/   with all of the extensions it finds in /optional/.

That is maybe no severe problem, but I find it a bit strange.

At least TC can not decrypt and unpack  mydata.tcz.bfe  so that at least the data remain protected.

I repeated the start of TC with different false encryption keys and realized that  mydata.tcz.bfe  was not overwritten or damaged. So one could live with it.

TinyCore, SliTaz, LinuxMint, Tails, Mac ...

Offline roberts

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Not a bug. Protect by design effects only your backup. Nothing whatsoever to do with extension loading.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.