Thanks that fixed all my issues!!
options 2 & 3 seemed desirable so ran them both
Booted with base norestore and run fsck which I found out had to be run unmounted so booted to the cd with same options to run fsck on hda1 & hda2
then ran tune2fs -i0 -c0 thefilesys on all partitions. After a lot of research and trials I also found out that "thefilesys" meant /dev/hda1 etc etc
rebooted normally and voila! all my issues have gone. the tcloop directory is no longer empty and is populated with 162 items. the file system is back without corruption I can use commands at the terminal and get a reasonable response without any "file not found" messages.
Best of all my newly created wireless driver now loads in the correct location in the file system
I was going out of my mind! so I wonder how long will this last, I mean limiting the file system mounts severely crippled the ability to load extensions without corruption??