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Gnome-MPlayer Extension - Request for Advice

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Try GConf.tcz GConf-dev.tcz ? :)

Arslan S.:
if you are thinking of submitting gnome-mplayer extension i suggest not to add a certain notification daemon to its dep list, just mention it in the info file that you need a notification daemon for notifications

also even if you successfully compile gnome notification-daemon it does not mean that all the dependencies are satisfied for it to run properly, there may be run-time dependencies, pre install, post install commands or even configuration

notification-daemon-xfce is the port of gnome notification-daemon to xfce, i don't know other differences beside that

and trying to make it work from base is a pain for any gnome daemon so i recommend to go for notification-daemon-xfce but don't add it to dep list because a gnome desktop user or kde user already have native notification daemons running


--- Quote from: gutmensch on November 19, 2010, 07:05:06 AM ---Try GConf.tcz GConf-dev.tcz ? :)

--- End quote ---
I looked at those but could not find any reference to gconf-2.0.  Do they=gconf-2.0?


--- Quote from: SamK on November 20, 2010, 02:38:02 AM ---I looked at those but could not find any reference to gconf-2.0.  Do they=gconf-2.0?

--- End quote ---

Take a look at GConf.tcz.list  ;)


--- Quote from: Arslan S. on November 19, 2010, 08:18:08 AM ---if you are thinking of submitting gnome-mplayer extension i suggest not to add a certain notification daemon to its dep list...

--- End quote ---
Compiling sources and building extensions is not one of my mainstream activities.  I do it so infrequently that I do not possess the correct skill set to maintain a publicly available package. 

It occurred to me that in the future, others reading this thread might find the knowledge gained here helpful.  In my view, it is not an intuitive choice to use notification-daemon-xfce in other than an XFCE environment (at least it was not obvious to me until you suggested it).  It was for this reason I was exploring the use of notification-daemon.

--- Quote from: Arslan S. on November 19, 2010, 08:18:08 AM ---...just mention it in the info file that you need a notification daemon for notifications

--- End quote ---
My concern is that this leaves users having to make a fairly extensive download, manually modify the .dep file and then manually delete the unneeded dependencies.  While this is certainly a workable approach to take, I wonder if there is a more elegant way. 

--- Quote from: Arslan S. on November 19, 2010, 08:18:08 AM ---...don't add it to dep list because a gnome desktop user or kde user already have native notification daemons running

--- End quote ---
I can see the reasoning here. Due largely to your contributions, the users of Gnome, KDE and XFCE are well catered for.  As notification-daemon currently is not a suitable choice for users of other environments, might it be possible to simplify the matter for them?

Would you consider offering a further package as a modification of the currently working notification-daemon-xfce? This might be named notification-daemon-xfce-MOD or notification-daemon-MOD or whatever is deemed a appropriate.  The download can consist of only notification-daemon-xfce, plus the reduced set of dependencies.  Its purpose and use can be clearly identified in the .info file. It would reduce the download, the amount of user work, and seems more user friendly.  Overall, it will leave the Gnome, KDE and XFCE users unaffected but will offer a benefit to others.

From the perspective of a non-package maintainer it seems that a working answer is available, the files already exist and most of the work is done. A change of name in the .desktop file may be needed though. Do you think the suggestion is worthwhile?


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