Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk

hacking .X.d

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Boiling it down to what actually happens... loadapp does not download stuff and does not killall popups at boot... all the extensions being loaded are already present so ignore that.

So, what I effectively have is, assuming stuff is done alphabetically:

--- Code: ---conky &
tint2 &
tce-load -i iptables
sudo basic-firewall

--- End code ---

and that does not seem to work.

(Note that tint2 and conky HAVE to be backgrounded.)

I couldn't see how X apps like conky & tint2 versus iptables (which has the firewall modules as a dependency) and a firewall script could be related.

Please split things into separate scripts which contain sufficient checks and can be run (and tested) independently:

So (as one example) create a '~/.X.d/conky' with:
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
which conky > /dev/null || ! date '+%T: conky not found" >> /tmp/conky_$$.log || exit 2
conky &

--- End code ---

I assume that running conky & from an interactive shell works as expected.

.X.d scripts are not preceded by #!/bin/sh

regarding my "liberal" use of '&', I recall that roberts wrote that stuff called in .X.d have to be backgrounded, that's the only reason I did it (except for conky and tint2).

(Why check for the presence of conky? it is loaded OnBoot.)


--- Quote ---(Why check for the presence of conky? it is loaded OnBoot.)

--- End quote ---

Because it is good programming practice.
The scripts in .X.d have no knowledge of what is or is not in .onboot.lst


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