Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk

hacking .X.d

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iptables twice?


--- Quote from: curaga on November 11, 2010, 02:17:12 PM ---iptables twice?

--- End quote ---
Oops, thanks!

One more alternative: the waitForX binary waits for X to start. You could include this line (or something similar) in bootlocal.sh to wait for X to start before loading your extensions:
(/usr/bin/waitforX; [ -f /home/tc/.startup ] && home/tc/.startup) &

No, you cannot wait for X in bootlocal.sh, as this runs before the user is logged in.

Well, see, that's what I get for posting without actually trying it first. I typically include the caveat, "I haven't tried this ..." but I was lazy. It does work, however, if you change waitforX to: su -c "/usr/bin/waitforX" tc. :)

I'd not seen anyone examine methods for starting X quicker, though, so I found this topic interesting.


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